vineri, 25 mai 2012

Best 4 ways to do online marketing for lawyers.

The key in succeding in every form of business is of course advertising. Advertising comes in various shapes and formes. From TV ads, news paper ads to digital advertising also known as Online Marketing.
Its very important for your law firm business to get to the people who need a lawyer and that's why you need online marketing!
I decided to create a top 4 ways to do online marketing for new law firms who are looking to get noticed on the world wide web.

#4. Directories

Directories are a great way to get your website known. Just make sure the category you submit in, is the right one for you type of business or website.
There are mostly 3 types of directory submission:

A. Free submisions - You submit your webiste for free but you will not know for sure if your link will be placed or when will it be placed. Free directories are risky but they worth giving a submision!

B. Reciprocal submisions - You submit your link on the directory and in exchange you have to link their website on yours. Reciprocal submisions are great but in some cases you don't get the guarantee you will get listed or when.

C. Paid submisions - These are the 100% guaranteed type of listings. Obviously this is the more efficiente way to get listed on a directory but you pay the price. The price range for paid directories is very large. From $1, $2 to $200, $500 even more sometimes! Before you decide to pay for getting listed make sure you do a little research on the directory you're submiting your link. You don't want to pay something that doesn't work as it should. Check the website rank, see how many listing there are in your category etc.

#3. Blogs, Articles.

Directory articles are also quality links. Probably more relevant than a simple directory link submision.
Blogs/Articles are relevant writings about the type of business you run. You will probably need to hire a blogger to this this as it requires a pretty good understanding of writing an article. You might think writing an article it's easy but you would be wrong. It takes a great deal of experience and vocabulary to write a proper story.
Overall, blogs are a good way to get your message across the internet and it touch with the relevant community.

#2. Social websites.

This is a no brainer actually, I don't have to tell you how popular and visited the social websites like facebook, twitter and google+ are. A vast majority of people use these websites everyday so you need to take advantage of that and make a facebook page, twitter account and a google+ so people who are interested in your business can get in touch with you as soon as posible.

#1. Reciprocal linking with a website.

Finding a good and relevant webiste that fits your profile and asking them if they're willing to do a link exchange is also a good way to get listed. Just make sure the website has a good reputation and preferably is also a law firm website like yours!

So these are some of the best ways of doing attorney search engine optimization. I hope you enjoyed my article.

joi, 17 mai 2012

Great Blog To Follow

Its really hard these days to find a good blog that helps you any way, or just makes your day better with a good read! Its important in a good blog that the person maintaining it, is actually interested in what he/she reads and gives tips about. Not only that but the blogger must be active, posting new stuff often to keep you interested in his/her's blog, waning to come back for more.
So if you are looking for a great blog to follow Look no further than Melinda Helbock's blog: She blogs very nice about various topics like: Tips and tricks, preparing for the great hollidays of the year, and many more interesting topics. She also specializes in legal representation as she is a personal injury lawyer, pharmaceutical litigation attorney, business litigation lawyer and family law.

joi, 10 mai 2012

Choosing the best law website.

If you have a law firm and looking to get the best law marketing website you really need to be picky. Make sure the firm has all the necesary features to get you started and ready to go. For example one of the most important features is of course web design. This is very important because you don't want to get involved with various firms that do diferent things. Another great feature would be Soial Media. Everybody has a facebook account, twitter and google + now a days so its really easy to get in touch with your clients via social media. Legal Video Production is very important too as you want your online clients to get to see you talking about their possible law problems.
That being said, try getting a marketing website that does law firm website design because that is one of the most important feature.

miercuri, 9 mai 2012

First post!

I want to start off by saying that I love blogs. I always wanted to post my ideas, likes and dislikes online where there is a posibility for someone to see and maybe even interact!
Its amazing how you can start blogging these days in a matter of minutes thanks to websites like Thank you!
I curently work in the Online Marketing game and loving it so far. Much to learn but step by step you get what you want and where you want.
This is just the first post on this blog, but believe me, there are many more to come from now on! As i said earlier, I am very eager to get my thoughts online. So stay tuned for more.